The 2019 Summer Camp held by MacDuffie Shanghai and MIT Opens

Updated By 2019-08-08

The summer camp of underwater robots held by the Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT) and MacDuffie Shanghai opened on schedule in this hot summer. The event, held in conjunction with the Massachusetts institute of technology and the American robotics association, allows students to experience cutting-edge courses at top U.S. universities in China. Professors from the Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT) in the United States came to campus to guide students in person, and the assistants are masters or doctoral students from MIT and Shanghai Jiaotong University. The course comes from SeaPerch's Marine robotics course at MIT. Students will learn the fundamentals and design of ships and submersibles to stimulate their interest in cutting-edge science and technology subjects such as Marine engineering and robotics. The course will also provide students with plenty of hands-on and creative opportunities to design and build their own underwater robot. Outstanding students will receive a recommendation from a professor at MIT and a certificate from the American society of robotics to enhance their competition in application for universities.