More Than 90% Graduates accepted by The World's Top 100 Universities, The MacDuffie School Reached a Record High in 2019

Updated By 2019-05-31

In 2019, The MacDuffie School reached a success in university application, with 30% of students admitted to the top 20 university in the United States. Among them: 7 ivy league schools offer including Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University, Brown University; 7 students received offers from UCLA and UC Berleky

The MacDuffie School graduates in China have been admitted by the world's top universities, and the admission rate of Top 100 universities has reached a record high, which is over 90% acceptance rate. 

The admission rate of the world's top universities has been declining in recent years. However the admission rate for the class 2019 has reached a new high. At present, there are 4 MacDuffie School in China and 3 of them has graduates this year, which are: MacDuffie School Shanghai, MacDuffie School Tianjin and MacDuffie School Nanjing. 

From the century-old elite international school, the number of offers has steadily increased compared with 2018, with 242 offers in 2019, 82 more than last year. The scholarship was $1.69 million, &210,000 more than last years. 

American: 100% of our students who apply to the United States are admitted to Top100 universities in the United States and get high scholarships. In addition, six students received full scholarships of $80,000, $ 43,500 and $40,000 in 2019.

American liberal arts colleges have long been called the essence of American education by virtue of their small but fine education. Often known as the "fastidious: hidden ivy league liberal arts colleges, the MacDuffie students have a unique competitive advantage to win a full scholarship of up to %80,000 from Worcester College.

UK: 100% of students applying to the UK are admitted to the Top50 universities in the UK, the Top100 universities in the world.

Australia:  100% of the students admitted to Australia "eight" world schools.

Canada:  100% of the students admitted to Top20 universities in Canada.

Art major: Students from The MacDuffie School have unique advantages in the application of art major. A number of students have been admitted to the top three schools of art in illustration, the New York school of visual arts, the pratt school of art, and the Maryland school of art, and have been awarded scholarships of $10,000 per year.