Congratulations to Graduates in the Macduffie School, Who Won the Offers from Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania and Other Top Universities.

Updated By 2019-04-04

The ivy league, composed of 8 American universities including Princeton, Harvard and Yale University, represents the highest level of higher education in the United States. However, a review of recent admissions data shows that the eight Ivy League schools are all accepting between 5% and 12% of their students, and their acceptance rates are falling. In the large number of applicants, only a few students can receive the interview invitation. Princeton, for example, accepted 5.2% of its students in 2021 and set a new record of 4.59% in 2022.These numbers include both domestic and international students, making Ivy League applications difficult.

Standing out from thousands of students, The MacDuffie School students are in interview list of the Ivy League University and top university. They already have all kinds of ability and quality for Harvard University and other Ivy League schools, and successfully defeated many outstanding applicants. In this application year, a number of students were received at Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern University, University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, Berkeley, New York University and other offers.